Wednesday 5 November 2008

A success

I finished my task on learning online this weekend. I was going to write a magazine article, but everyone was doing that and many had posted their work, so I was worried that it would look like I had copied someone Else's work. I decided to write my report in a word document to get started, and then look at what medium to use once I had finished. At least that way I would have all my information, and would have done my research.

On Saturday evening I decided to have ago at making a video using Windows Movie Maker. I collated my media files, many of which i had to search for on the Internet, and using a combination of text slides and picture slides, actually managed to make my video. Having never done this before, I had to learn as I was going how to put it together. I thoroughly enjoyed this. By Sunday evening I had finished, so I posted my file on First Class. Wow that took a while.

On Monday I returned from work and switched my lap top on straight away to see if there was any response to my post. My facilitator had messaged saying well done, and I had many messages from other researchers saying the same. Later I received a message from Kevin Thompson, and that really made me feel very proud of myself.

I have since been asked to say how I went about making the video. I am putting together something but it will take time as I have my other tasks to crack on with. I will do it though.

For now, I am feeling incredible, and very keen to progress with my degree.

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